
tjusiga tider vi har

just got a diana film developed, at the wrong shop as you can see, the photos are ruthlessly cut and for some reason the colors were changed...some turned out ok but i'll probably try again at my usual place.

above: brother oskar with the good old whiskey
this is when me and joel were being mushrooms before going to yeah guess where, taken by oskar.

richard and yuki

double glassed noh

ureshii wine and rico's legs

joel and rico in the best karaoke photo i ever took

my hood

my dear


a week ago

wonder why they would think that.

who IS this

mmm puke 4 freakfast

my heart will go on at 8am


I could be dreaming

but conjure hell is all I do

förra helgen var en tung en
men några fina timmar med erik och mamma blev det ändå
bland sånt som jag gillar
växthus, grönsaker och blommor

det lilla hjärtat

mamma plockar blommor i redan glesa rader